🧵 | WARNING: you may disagree w/ the ministers & churches who’ve decided to continue holding services in spite of YOUR fears about the #Coronavirus but for your own good 🤫 Folks, you’re playing with FIRE by setting your mouths against a man or woman of God. SHUT YOUR MOUTH. 🔥
If you want to bring curses on yourself & family or send yourself to an early grave by hatefully mocking, threatening or criticizing God’s servants - that’s your business. But if you see this tweet - just know you’ve been warned. If you want to do the wise thing, Repent NOW.
The Lord God says in His word, “touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.” There’s many examples in scripture of people immediately being judged for speaking against or threatening God’s servants. If you’ve been doing it, don’t dare think you’ve gotten away with anything.
God sees and knows it all and in His mercy towards you, He’s giving you time to repent. Do it quickly, right now. Tomorrow is not promised. And if you call yourself a Christian and you’re joining in with the world’s mockery of the church - you need to REPENT and check your heart.
No one truly led by the Spirit of God and following Jesus will speak persecute God’s people in agreement with the world. Don’t sit there mocking preachers thinking you’re saved and justified in your own eyes and can say whatever you want. God is not pleased with you. REPENT.
Peter thought he was defending Jesus as a “true follower” when he cut a man’s ear off and didn’t even realize he was being used by Satan himself. Some of y’all are full of Satan calling yourselves believers meanwhile persecuting the church - I tell you, God is NOT pleased!REPENT.
If you see this thread and you know you’ve been mocking and threatening ministers especially during this #coronavirus lockdown mess. DO NOT IGNORE THIS MESSAGE - REPENT. Do it while you still can. You don’t know when your soul will be required of you. Turn to Jesus while you can.
You can follow @KDazzle100.
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