You ever notice those people, men and women alike, who can just roll out of bed and head out to run morning errands in their PJs, looking like total shit, but they absolutely rock it because they've got killer confidence?

That's why all your discussions about aesthetics are BS
Aesthetics do not matter. Swag does.

You're worrying about aesthetics because you're at least implicitly aware that you don't have swag and it makes you neurotic, fills up your mind with all this noise and over thinking to compensate.

Exactly the wrong way to approach it
What you need is to stop giving a shit

Who cares if people are buying what you're selling? Doesn't matter either way. If anything it's their loss and they've done themselves a disservice, to be honest. Once you realize they're lucky to see you in your PJs they'll start buying
Not telling you to be """The Alpha""" - tryhard, people see through you - but to *relax.* You're trying way too hard to win. It comes off as desperate. That's the aesthetics obsession in a nutshell and it *really* doesn't matter. You're stringing yourself out over nothing
Don't believe me?

The Nazis wore Boy Scouts uniforms in adult sizes. The Soviet Union ripped off Prussian attire and made it uglier. Prussian greatcloaks themselves look like a Hogwarts LARP. The Kaisers looked good because Hohenzollerns were born to rule and acted like it
There is a discussion to be had as to one's modes of speech and I'm certainly not telling you to be unpresentable intentionally... but the discussion of aesthetics categorically fails to get at the essential mechanisms of selling yourself;

Being friendly, relaxed and confident

. Relax. Don't overthink it.

. Try to have fun.

. Try to make people laugh.

You'll sell your ideas, moobment or ideology much better this way than you will obsessing over your politics as if it was a piece of fine art
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