Several opinions against the twitter grain:

That Reuters article didn’t prove your mad conspiracy. It shows they followed the scientific advice. It shows there were limits to the scientific advice. And mistakes were made. It didn’t prove your point.
That Tory MP visited his family to deliver food and that was fine, he dropped it off and stayed a distance away from them at all times. It’s not something to nail him on. He cares for his parents. That’s it.
There is no - Keir, libertarians, I’m looking at you equally here - exit strategy currently. There is not. There won’t be. You are deluding yourself. We are in this for months more. Wind yourself back in.
That Evening Standard cartoon was probably just really bad caricature and the nose wasn’t in any way a classic “hook” nose and you are leaping on it to partially because the issue is more present in your mind and partially because you are - let’s be honest - overcompensating.
Hi, everyone commenting on the Democratic race from the UK? Guess what? There’s no real war between centrists and leftists in the democrat party. Polls show that registered democrats *like* Bernie. Registered democrats like all the candidates for president. They just prefer Biden
That 10k extension to MP expenses? It’s just extending a credit limit most wont come close to using. It’s not “here is 10k”. If you’ve spent your time railing about stupid populism on Question Time and now you are pushing this, be ashamed.
Your piece about how Coronavirus changes everything is premature. Your piece about why can’t we just revert back to before Coronavirus and stop worrying is premature.
The heartless right wingers you rage at for saying “let it just with its way through the system and if I die, I die” have more of an eye on intergenerational Justice than you do. The take lacks empathy for people who have, y’know, a gran but still.
The response of any nation under 10 million people is irrelevant to the response of any nation of over 50 million. New Zealand can’t save you now. All their airports have 40% of Gatwick’s traffic alone and they are 4.5 million people 2000 km from their nearest neighbour.
Those FT graphs you are sharing are mainly just people trying to map order onto chaos. 100% here for the idea the government has made mistakes, and - indeed - bad ones. The daily count or the assumed “curve” OTOH are just you listening to white noise.
The Labour Party is about 80% sorted, Corbsceptics. That doesn’t mean it’s going to win elections - spoiler, ahead of the current crisis I didn’t give it a cat’s chance - but the culture and leadership has changed. Stop making the perfect the enemy of the good.
You’ll pretend in ten years time you didn’t join in the clapping. It’s naff. Nobody wants to remember themselves as naff.
The Mandalorian is rubbish and no amount of Baby Yoda will make it less rubbish.
Come back next week for more objectionable opinions!
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