Chris Hayes brought up a vry good point. For all you sort sighted and even shorter memory Republicans. In 2009 Obama asked and got an 890billion stimulus package NOT A SINGKE REPUBLICAN voted for it a package to help all Americans and businesses and the GOP wanted it to fail.
Obama saved the auto industry literally saving millions of jobs and the gop was against it hoping it would started the economic come back that remained strong until 2020. The economy tanked for one reason the trump administration failed for months to act on covid19...
because trump administration failed to listen to warnings SEVERAL OF THEM over a 3 month period its that reason we are where we are today..the GOP are champions at spinning the facts but I for one am not fooled Even today whn testing sites are needed trump WAS going to close them
Until a report by NPR brought to light that trump was going to defund testing sites (3dozen) In a dozen states. NPR reported was would of been derelict to say the least wht trump planned and that report shamed an already shameful administration into reversing that decision
So those of you who believe the GOP wants what's good for america need only to look at very recent history it there to see for anyone to look and see. Even today the GOP care stimulus did not actually provide for the American people or hospitals nor equipment
The Democrats pushed back and for 4 days pushed to include the American people and hospitals and other things we the people needed. Had they bowed to McConnell there'd of been no unemployment extension there'd not of been monies sent directly to the people.
Remember the GOP had control of the house and Senate for 10 yrs and not a single law of consequence was passed. Today the American people are still not considered by the GOP for example that great tax break benefited only the top 10% and all the corporations.
I'm aware that Republicans are going to put there spin on things and again I will not be fooled. They will lie. They will mislead and misrepresent they will blame others but again I for one will not be fooled
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