I think it's partly that I have a weird relationship to illness. As I've mentioned recently, my body is just constantly doing weird and alarming things that look like symptoms of something dangerous, but when I go to a doctor they can't figure out what's up, only that I'm fine.
And I am fine! That's the thing. These symptom clusters go away within two days max and sometimes they come back but a lot of the time they don't. And then I have other minor things basically all the time in a way that doesn't really interfere with my life but is just annoying.
None of those things ever seem to add up to a diagnosis and I am just sort of used to it. I barely remember that other people don't get woken up by chest pain or whatever. Writing these tweets I'm like, this is so melodramatic, someone's going to tell me everyone gets this and
I'm just trying to be special. Maybe I am? I have no idea. What was I even talking about at the beginning of this thread
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