So I wanna talk about this comic, and how it has mostly good intentions, the execution has essentially turned it into propaganda fodder for right-wingers, transphobes, and apolitical centrist anti-SJWs. Again!
So this artist here has a naggling way of framing stories that makes it incredibly easy to be turned on its head.

For one, she presents personal situations that usually fall under more serious vent art styles and presents them as light and fluffy through the art style.
This creates a weird dissonance between the message of the comic (stealing from a large corporation) and the artstyle. This is generally offputting to people outside of the further-left twittersphere. This means normies, edgelords, and people who's entire politics are "SJWs BAD"
What has happened here is that she's essentially offered an easy lay-up to critics. They can simply say "shoplifting bad" and score easy points, because the message of the comic is so weirdly presented.

The same thing happened with New Guy.
When you deal with contentious subjects like stealing or a personal story of how you don't feel bad about bad things happening to the rich, you have to make sure you tread carefully and use wit and framing to get your point across.

Otherwise you risk massive backlash.
I like this artist and I think what's happening to her is BS. But conversely she has pretty much given her critics and ideological enemies the EASIEST possible way to attack her. If your comic can be so easily misconstrued, smeared, and turned against you, its not a good comic.
And its even worse because she has such a simplistic art-style that can be replicated by pretty much anyone. Usually more leftist messaging employs dirtier, edgier styles, including the abstract and the profane. Instead she uses the softest, simplest style to convey her message.
What this means is that even the most creatively bankrupt person can mimic her style in order to create counter-messages. I mean look at New Guy. He's a simple bald white guy with zero distinguishing features. Not only is he easy to draw, he's easy to empathize with. An everyman.
Bottom line: Make sure your personal art can't be used as propaganda against you.

What could have been a scathing critique of how big-box capitalism crushes worker and consumer alike instead comes off as a privileged white chick stealing non-essentials.
When creating art you can't just consider how people who agree with you will take it. You have to think about how people who are your complete opposite both ideologically and politically will see it to. Make sure it comes across well to apolitical people too.
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