1. One might ask what the fuck has been going on in Americans prisons all these years that all of a sudden I’m reading report after report of no goddamn soap in the middle of a global pandemic.
2. These places have long been death traps — prisoners die at young ages all the time from viruses/bacteria — and none of the very esteemed corrrections leaders ever said, “hey, maybe we should make sure that the prisoners have ready access to soap?” Are you fucking kidding me?!
3.Corrections has gotten so fucking lazy. They just invoke “security” and that’s it. That’s their answer to everything. Just saying that allows them to sit on their lazy asses and do nothing. (Even as they are awful at actually creating secure environments.)
4. The thing is, “security” isn’t the prevailing value in prisons. Anyone whose visited them often knows that. The prevailing values are laziness, arbitrariness, stultifying bureaucracy, and a deep tolerance of the most abject inhumanity.
5. I’m just going to keep saying it because it is so true: there is no more failed profession in America than corrections. Every school, training program, policy, leader — it should all be burnt to the ground.
6. I’m no prison abolitionist —I believe that some (far, far smaller) group of people need to be incapacitated. But the corrections profession absolutely needs to be torched. Every last leader should be fired. They are too terrible at what they do. And too morally stunted.
7. No one as morally stunted as America’s corrections leaders should be allowed anywhere near the task of incapacitating other humans. They are characteristically unfit for the job.
8. Perspective from a directly impacted person. Fuck the people who run prisons. I mean seriously fuck them. https://twitter.com/mitchskiff/status/1248427195644575745?s=20
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