Animals that stay monogamous. A Thread
Black Vultures mate for life and have been known to attack other vultures for philandering. Both parents incubate the eggs, alternating in 24 hour shifts, & contribute to feeding their babies for 8 months. Researchers have even done DNA tests on offspring to confirm fidelity.
Beavers live in colonies that are used to raise children and are known to maintain relationships for entirety of their adults lives; up to 20 years. Children also live in their parents dam for 2 years before leaving to start families of their own.
Barn Owls are another bird which mates for life. They especially focus on courtship, where they present their female with extra prey for the duration of a month (leading up to her laying eggs)
Prairie voles, a small rodent, will remain with the mate they lost their virginity to. They spend a lot of time cuddling and also share responsibility in raising young ones.
The Gray wolf forms an alpha male/alpha female hierarchy and mates for life, claiming exclusive mating rights during breeding season.
The Shingleback skink, a lizard native to Australia, returns to the same partner for mating season every year. The male will woo the female by licking and caressing her and their partnership could last more than 20 years.
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