A lot of you have asked: how did my Dad get infected by the Coronavirus. On 3/11, my Dad had a surgery on his neck. The surgery went well, but he had some complications. He was in the hospital longer than expected. Within a week, the situation in NY rapidly escalated. I posted
about how freaked out the healthcare staff was in the hospital & I was called a “liar” by some. Trust me- I wish I was a liar. They transported my Dad to a rehab facility & I was relieved. I thought he’d be safer. I was wrong. The virus ended up in his unit. I was assured
that the patient had no symptoms & was kept in isolation & had no contact with my Dad. My Dad complained of being “cold”. I brought up the warmest blanket I could find. I didn’t know until reading his paperwork after the fact that he was running fevers. They did nothing except
give him Tylenol. Multiple times my Dad called complaining of neglect. I had to call the nurses station multiple times bc he was sitting in his own filth for hours. The doctors wouldn’t take out his staples or even come into his room (I suspect bc COVID was in the unit).
They weren’t bathing him and he hadn’t had his teeth brushed in 5 days. He needed help brushing his teeth bc of the neck brace. A nurses aide taunted him about the virus being in his unit & yelled at him when he asked for help & complained about feeling unwell. A stray dog
was treated with more respect & dignity than my Father. At that point, I took him out. He was so weak, he collapsed on my driveway. The ambulance told me he was safer at home bc the hospitals were full of virus. They didn’t suspect he had the virus & neither did I...he didn’t
have typical symptoms. I read on his paperwork that he was running fevers and was a “COVID suspect”. No one from the rehab told me this & put the health of my Family at risk. My Father’s condition was terrible. He was swollen & full of the biggest sores I’ve ever seen. I called
the ambulance again when his fever reached 101. I knew the risk of COVID was worth him getting medical attention. I didn’t think he would survive much longer. Turns out-he had double pneumonia from the virus. My family who cared for him were, in turn infected.
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