People and things like Trump and Q are heroic, but this is bigger than them -- or any one person. They are instruments being applied to the goal that ultimately can only be accomplished by us -- namely the formation of a mentally ruthless and spiritually compassionate citizenry.
It sucks to admit, but the MAIN reason evil men have gained the requisite machinery to commit evil deeds is because we have consented to it.

Consent by mental weakness, lacking curiosity, infectious nihilism, and over-attachment to the personality complexes we've created.
And thus, the solution. Deceptively simple.

Withdraw consent. Wake up -- not to any specific bit of information, but to the reality that you played a role in creating the monster, and you play a role in destroying it.
The truth is that the only real battle is the one for your mind. And you have it within your power to declare decisive victory whenever you choose. Disintegrate the programmed complexes, and the addictive ego trips.

The rest is to help your fellow men and women win their wars.
And many of us have not won our wars. I haven't. We still too easily fall into the trappings of egoistic cults of personality and laziness in regards to our information intake. We look for anything else, whether Trump or Q or anyone, to push off our own responsibility.
This isn't just Trump's war. It is yours. You bear no complicity for their evil deeds, but you do bear responsibility for dissolving the fertile ground which allows them to happen, beginning from within yourself.

Wake up. Following Q or any individual does not suffice.
The Monster depends on you for its survival.

Your fear, your insecurity, your vanity. Even your nihilistic disillusionment, black pillers (who greatly contribute to the problem).

Your untethered and unchained darkest tendencies are the roots that allow the "Cabal" to exist.
To err, of course, is human. But continual awareness and development is what makes the difference.

We've been conditioned to revel in our beastly instincts for this reason.

To err is human, but to err again is weakness and sloth.
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