Biden supporters want us to vote for the rapist who spent the past 3 decades creating the system that's killing us, so he can change it. Despite him saying he will not change it.
"Think of the supreme court!"

Oh, the one he helped put Scalia and Clarence Thomas on?

"Think of wars!"

Oh, like how he wrote the patriot act in 94'?
"what about no kids in cages!"

Well, he wrote the Crime Act which put a lot of kids in cages long before he helped Obama put even more kids in cages
"Think about the elderly!"

Oh, the same ones he's fought for 30 years to have benefits reduced?
"ok. What about Black people? He's not a raci-"

His crime bill was racist, he supported segregation, he wrote a law that persecuted and surveilled a generation of muslims, and he says he doesn't regret it.
I mean, good lord. The man has been working to create this clusterfuck for longer than I've been alive, in *addition* to being a fucking rapist.

What on earth makes his supporters think his past behaviour over the last 30+ years is evidence of good intentions?
It's not even wishful thinking. They're supporting a rapist with 30+ years of racist behaviour ranging from segregationism to helping commit war crimes. They know this. And yet, want so hard to be enthusiastic.
Biden supporters want to be enthusiastic. They want to believe, they want to be good people. But they know they can't, so all that's left is insisting that things are fine, they really are *eye twitches* very happy about their candidate.
This is somehow more disturbing than cheeto supporters, who openly admit he's a piece of shit and love him for it. Shitheads around the country are honest in their enthusiasm for that ratfucker.
Biden supporters look at that, that honest enthusiasm for a rapist with decades of shitty behaviour, and angrily ask "why can't we do this too?"
They want their own rapist to enthuse about. They want their own guy with decades of demonstrably shitty decisions. They want their own guy who'll lock kids in cages. They want all of what the ratfucker's supporters have.
But they know that they can't say this aloud. They can't just openly say "we want our own rapist piece of shit."

So: forced smiles with dead eyes as they pretend all the reasons they support biden didn't actually happen.
Have you considered that they might just support him, not despite, but *because* he's a sex pest with decades of racist and otherwise terrible policies?
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