1/ WH press conference update:

- Firmer that cases and fatalities at flattening, already believe we are “coming out on the other side”
- Hardest hit areas are at their peak
- Confident in a big economic bounce back
- Discussed the neg impacts on mental health with the lockdown

- Rejected the idea that you need to be tested before going to work
- Rejected the idea that we need a 750K testing level to go back to work
- 70% of all tests are now in
- As age increases, the positivity rate increases
- Most concerned about underlying conditions
- California and Washington “extraordinary low”
- Attack rates are lower than a week ago
- Later outbreaks have a lower attack rates (Denver, Baltimore, DC) than NYC
- Birx: “We aren’t looking at models, this is the real data”
- Fauci: “Data is real, a model is a hypothesis”
- "Dramatic less need" of hospitalizations in NYC
- 40% of people surviving vents in Louisiana
- Fauci on reopening: "No one sizes fits all approach" aka regionalism
- Fauci dismisses an earlier position of "no new positive cases" as the metric
Pence presented a framework for reopening
- Bend/flatten the curve on cases and fatalities
- Developing a potential therapeutic (not a vaccine)
- Continue to expand testing ("almost there")
- Metro based containment mechanisms
- CDC guidance on how companies can operate
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