I know the Triduum is going to be tough
So many are feeling a dryness in their prayer, a distance from God, doubts arising, and questioning their faith

I wish I could say it will disappear with an easy formula. It won't. Because the way of the Cross is not a system (thread)
The question ought not to be "how can I rid myself of these feelings and worries" but rather "Jesus, how can I abandon myself to suffering as you do".

Faith is not a panacea, rather, it is seeing the world through Christ's eyes.

Jesus totally abandoned himself to the Cross
To abandon ourselves to the Cross means it is really a suffering. It means we will feel all sorts of things, allow all sorts of real sufferings to take over. It means the future will seem dim and difficult to see

Here we have to say "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit"
Will this make things feel better? No. But Jesus had a peace and a determination in his suffering and death. It didn't remove the suffering one iota. His peace and determination came from the certainty of doing the Father's will. To live faith means to say "I embrace the Cross"
I remember hearing once in a podcast that the natural state of the Church is the Cross. And I've been sharing this quote lately from St Paul: "always carrying in the body the death of Christ, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies"
This whole situation is bad. But now we have an opportunity to really be crucified with Jesus. We can embrace it fully & even embrace the darkness, the anxieties, the fears, all of it. We can say to the Father "I abandon this all to you": it is Christ's response, & it can be ours
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