I want to give you guys a heads up on something. A lot of you have been dealing with a soul mate or a twin flame for a long time...and they couldn’t make up their mind to save their life! So you decided to heal and moving forward (as you should). The new soul mate that’s coming
in is amazing BUT there’s a catch🥴 You are going to hit it off and click with this person BUT...you’re going to find out that he or she is literally in an almost identical situation to what your soul mate or your twin flame is currently going through🤦🏾‍♀️ Listen...I know guys😩 So
what you’re going to have to do is to take every single lesson that you learned and apply it to this new person. You are no longer tolerating giving someone 50% because it’s all are nothing! You may cut them off if they don’t come correct and that’s ok! This new soul mate will be
the one to show you something different...but they also have to finish learning their lessons too. So remember that I’ve been telling you guys that you may have to choose between two people right? This soul mate will either get his or her stuff together and come back correct in
order for you guys to move forward or they’re getting left behind! If you decide to leave them behind...you will have a new soul mate coming in that will be the one that you have to choose between them and your soul mate or twin flame. The ball is definitely in your court...so
just go with the flow! If your intuition feels like something isn’t right...ADDRESS IT AND THEN CUT THEM OFF! I need you guys to stand in your Emperor and Empress power and move accordingly because you didn’t do all of that work for nothing okay👑💙
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