Not only do underprivileged people have less chance of being able to keep their job or self isolate right now, they also are less likely to have a device they can run Zoom / Hangouts on to join recreational, educational, or social events on. Or know how to do it.
Nobody much is talking much about how to educate *adults* to use web conferencing or get them cheap laptops or tablets. Nobody is talking about them needing to keep their cameras off when they do because they don’t have a pretty office or living room to do yoga in.
I see moderate efforts to help kids and some limited ones (not enough) to help the elderly but almost nothing to help people trapped in tiny apartments or group living situations who can’t use any remote resources right now.
If you know of adults or seniors who have limited access to technology or technology education, have you reached out to them (by phone, etc) to see if you can help?

Do you have computers or tablets you could donate?
If you’re running classes or social hours have you included what you consider “simple” instructions on how to download an app and join? Have you been forgiving to people who don’t turn on their camera?
I haven’t seen one of my wonderful sparring partners for weeks because the only device he has is a prepaid phone and he’s not particularly computer literate. He’s a brilliant martial artist - way better than me, and a great coach. We are the same age.

I’m trying to help.
There’s no shame in not having money or a fancy phone or not having learned to use a computer in school. It’s just one thing that makes up a person - even if they’re under 50.
You can follow @hacks4pancakes.
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