not to be this guy but really and actually my heartfavorite is "running away with what freud said" off of Taboo VI
partially because, come on, "far far from home / big ringing in the bones / whose bones are these? / God please," partially because that song does the thing I love most about him, where he tells a very small and specific story that makes you feel like it is also a story about you
other things that come to mind for my all-time faves list include "pigs that ran straightaway into the water, triumph of," "heretic pride," "neon orange glimmer song," "romans 10:9," "wear black," etc etc etc
man not to be Peak Me on this thread but obligatory mention of his cover of "i wonder where our love has gone" where for unclear reasons he samples t.s. eliot's voice saying "i who have sat by thebes below the wall / and walked among the lowest of the dead"
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