I said before that watching how China vs the U.S. handle #COVIDー19 from a PR perspective was a fascinating case study on propaganda. But it's especially interesting to me how China surely covered up their actual case figures while the US is apparently trying to inflate them.
The more I ponder, what I think it means is that in order to maintain power and control the Chinese State has to keep everyone assured. "Don't worry, Dear Leader has everything under control." While the U.S. has to keep everyone afraid, "You will die if you don't do what we say."
I don't recall who said it, but in referencing our two major political parties and respective news outlets that-it's like we're watching two different movies. And the fact that our opinions derive from different sources of information explains why we can never agree on anything.
Same goes for our respective nations, and nowhere is this more amply demonstrated than in my own house. The Mrs consumes Chinese media exclusively and I don't watch TV but I read the RJ and the hodgepodge of Twitter. And it's no surprise that her and I can't agree on basic facts.
Of course neither one of us *actually know* anything. Same goes for you. We only *know* what we're told. But more immediately, it's like my wife watched Die Hard and I watched Armageddon and we can't agree on what the plot points were. That's us. That's you. That's our world.
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