Since April is sexual assault awareness month I just want to say that this topic sits close to my heart and that if anyone is in need of help or for just an ear you can message me and I’ll do what I can to help. We are all in this together and if I can help someone get out..
I’ll do anything possible. I also want to say that if you have any sort of mental disorder concerning your trauma I would definitely say to go to SCAN here in Laredo. I know we are in quarantine and mental disorders are harder to go through with being isolated....
I am more than positive that they have virtual counseling. I have been to this counseling service myself and can truly say they saved my life and changed it completely. I loved my counselor, she helped me grow and realize how to view the world differently....
Finishing this thread I’d like to say... don’t be scared to get help for anything you might need, being selfish for your own mental health is necessary. Again if you’d like to chat about anything concerni g trauma/mental disorders I’ll be always someone to lean on. 🤍take care 🌱
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