The thing I want everyone to understand about CoVid is that there *is* no trade off between the economy and health. There is none. Anyone telling you otherwise is not grappling with the facts of the illness.
They want to pretend that the death rate means that 2% of the population will die and that 98% of us can carry on like normal.

(Even if this *were* the case, this would still be a massive impairment to the economy, because prudent people who have the means will social distance with or without a government order, and that’s gonna hurt.)
In the best case scenario, maybe something like 10% of the people who get it will be in the hospital, and when they get out, will need to spend months recuperating?

Can you imagine what that would do to your beloved workforce?
And people acting like ”mild” cases of CoVid are like a cold—like you can just push through and keep working?

Look. I have had the mildest of mild CoVid cases. I had elevated temperature for 2 days. I have had a few nights where I had a cough.
And it has honestly knocked me on my ass for 3.5 weeks. It’s things like, “oh, I’m going to make biscuits.”

Step 1) measure dry ingredients.
Step 2) get tired. go rest.
Step 3) measure wet ingredients.
Step 4) get tired. go rest.
And so on and so on. It’s not fun. I can do more now, but I still get exhausted. I just spent three hours in bed to try and clear more fatigue, and it helped.
I don’t know how to make people who don’t care about anything but their dollars care about the fact that other people will die, have their lives irreversibly altered, or incur crushing medical debt.
But for god’s sake, even if you just care about your dollars, PAY ATTENTION: rapid, exponential, thorough spread of CoVid is not going to keep people working.
I *could not* have a less physically strenuous job. I can do it in bed. On my fucking phone, with one hand, if push comes to shove.

I have managed to get about 1.5 days of work done in the last 3.5 weeks.
(Most of the issue is the length of time I can concentrate—I don’t have a physically strenuous job, but I do have to take time loading information into the brain before proceeding, and it’s hard to work in 20 minute blocks dispersed every two hours.)
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