Man I think I really do need to take a step back though from writing for a little bit, at least like. Posting things? Bc I don't feel like anything I've written in the last few days is *terrible*, but it's not as good as I know it could be, either, bc my brain is just burnt out
Like I wrote a scene I like! But re-reading it, I can see places where it just gets bland, like, "A says thing, B says thing, A does facial expression, B feels thing," repeat, barebones dialogue and repetitive description and that's not what I wanted when I started writing so. 🙃
I'm thinking about that "sponge" tweet and I guess right now I'm wringing a dry sponge and I just need to soak for a few days. Which is hard, bc I Crave Validation Through Attention lmao, but I'd rather produce content I actually feel good about in the long run so. đŸ˜©
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