Time for a Friday Linky thread! 13 things from around the web! Here we go...
3. Auckland’s Academy Cinema now has a streaming offer. Parasite! Portrait of a Lady on Fire! More! This is the STUFF, enzed https://ondemand.academycinemas.co.nz 
4. Freebie: D&D is dropping a bunch of free stuff this week, including the entirety of the D&D Starter Set. Nice one, Wizards! https://dnd.wizards.com/remote/freematerial
9. Dalek relaxation tape:
12. @elaine_paige challenged musical improvisers @TheShowstoppers to create a quarantine-themed song in the style of West Side Story in just 24 hours. See how they did:
Oh bother i forgot the hashtag #fridaylinky
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