yall the creator of fugou keiji literally said, "That girl is cute. Everyone, let's go and ejaculate in front of her and shower her with semen." towards the statue dedicated towards comfort women
for the love of fucking god can yall actually interact with this instead of pretending like it's not real. yall cannot be woke and all supportive of comfort women but ignore this shit just because the new anime has cute anime boys god DAMN
UPDATE: I said I’d ignore this but I can’t I honestly did not expect it to get traction I just got angry because I was actually trying to see if the anime was gay but if you want to watch the anime do so.
also the anime isn’t totally separate from the og author either he literally cameos in the first episode. like you literally cannot separate art from artist. not saying it’ll share his views but the old fucker still benefits from this “homage” or whatever
Lord almighty this literally the worst tweet because everything it taken out of context I’m going to die how did this get clout why did I ask for clout on this tweet and not like one of my well thought out ones godododoskns
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