My political outlook is somewhat different today: if I were to vote today, I'd select Biden. Let me explain my current thought process in a thread.
Trump is objectively worse than Biden. His programs are blatantly awful for the working class. In the current emergency, he is fast tracking the construction of that f****g wall, rolling back environmental restrictions, and limiting the few checks on his power that had any power.
Though Biden is economically on the right and essentially a Republican, he aims to undo the wrongs that Trump has committed (albeit not much else). This is a small step in the right direction.
Also, consider Biden's age and obvious dementia. I do not believe that he has the capacity to effectively govern by himself any more. Thus, a lot of executive branch work will fall to other members of his administration.
I despise Biden, and do not want to vote for an alleged rapist, but a vote for him is also a vote for his administration, which will absolutely be more progressive than Trump's.
Note that Trump similarly does not have the capacity to effectively govern. His administration constantly struggles to keep him consistent, and much of the work is delegates to them, while Trump sits around tweeting and watching television.
A vote for Biden is a vote for a better administration than the present one. This administration will at the very least bring us back to Obama-era policy.
Since Obama's presidency ended, his administration's mass deportations have come under great scrutiny. I have little doubt that Biden's administration will alleviate this country's immigration problems.
Yes, the wealth gap will persist.
Yes, we won't get M4A.
Yes, Biden has a horrible track record.
But he has addressed the criticisms of his past, and is aware of the strength of Bernie's platform. His record is bad, but will improve as he tries to appeal to more voters.
Also, the ACA wasn't anywhere near perfect, bit it was still a step in the right direction. Biden's administration will bring the ACA back.
Bernie believes in Biden's integrity (see his interview with @StephenAtHome last night). I don't think Bernie wishes to splinter the Democratic party by having much of his base vote Green Party.
Those are my thoughts today. I'll probably keep tweeting updates as my thoughts evolve.
No matter what party you plan to support in the general election, it is important to be civil, however. Name-calling and anger at those who disagree with you will only make those people less likely to flip to your viewpoint.
Aggressive Bernie supporters are partly responsible for alienating mainstream Democrats. If we want a progressive platform, we have to be civil. This was one of the strengths of Warren's campaign for a while.
Thanks for reading this far; I know this is a lot of text for Twitter, but I had a lot of thoughts to sort through.
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