My #StayHome Vibe is Garth Algar [Thread]

One month ago, when I first started adjusting to the social distancing lifestyle:
When other people were still living their normal lives out and about, shaking hands and whatnot:
Around about week three:
When I'm out walking the dog and someone passing by doesn't give the 6ft buffer:
On my 8th Zoom call of the day, when someone asks my opinion:
When my friends talk about how badly we want to take a vacation or just sit down at our favorite neighborhood restaurant:
The instant regret of trying a DIY hairtrim:
When the existential dread and general anxiety is giving my partner a headache:
And last but not least, when I think about all the healthcare workers, cashiers, delivery people, service industry folks, newly anointed WFH parents/teachers, and everyone else keeping the wheels on the bus in the midst of this whole thing:
As predicted, this thread was probably a little too niche (and I forgot that YouTube vids won’t play native on mobile, boo!) But @gdoman liked it and really, it’s more than enough to relive the childhood habit of watching Wayne’s World with my big bro 😂
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