since when did making fun of people for who they stan become a trend? last time i checked, every single person is free to stan whoever they want to stan and they should not, under any circumstances, be judged for it. every day, i see at least one person hating on another person
for liking a celebrity and their defense is always “im entitled to my own opinion”. that’s true, but having your own opinion does not give you the right to literally bully others about theirs. people are so used to hiding behind a screen and being able to say whatever they want
but i guarantee that they would never say those things to someone face to face. liking or disliking someone is a choice and it is a choice that everyone needs to respect, no matter what. i saw a quote that said “talk about what you love and keep quiet about what you don’t” and
this quote is literally my life motto. spend your time tweeting about the things you do like, don’t go out of your way to make it known that you don’t like someone because i can guarantee that no one cares. stop wasting your energy puting people down because of who they stan.
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