The Gray Wolf (Canis Lupus) is the largest member of the canid family measuring up to 5.5 ft long. They are social animals and run in packs of up to 12 members. Each pack contains one Alpha Male & Female.
Wolves are known for their distinct sound “The Howl.” This is used for communicating with other packs, with their own pack over long distance, to gather a pack for a hunt, to warn off intruders or to attract mates.
Mating season is between Jan-Feb and is usually limited to the Alpha pair. The Alpha Female will have litters of up to 6 pups each year. When the pups reach 7 months, they are ready to start hunting with the adults.
Grey wolves once had the largest ranges of any species covering the northern hemisphere at an estimated number of 2 million. In the 1900s they were hunting down almost to extinction in the US due to threats they posed to humans and livestock.
They have made an amazing comeback since then and is one of the US greatest wildlife success stories.
Fun Fact: Wolves are Monogamous 🤗
They stay with the same mate for life 💕
Despite their name, a wolfs fur can range in color from pure white to black.
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