After a ridiculous claim by @silversynergy that there was 'more science' proving the concerns of 5G Conspiracy Theorists than science showing it to be safe, I asked @silversynergy for a source.

He / she (never know with anonymous accounts) sent me a page with 500 links.

500 !!
I mean no-one can or will trawl through that. It's intentional BS overload.

So I selected 20 at random (via RAND() function).

Here's the results of my overview of @silversynergy's 'conclusive proof' of the risks of 5G.
Out of 20 random selected links :

6 - Single, non data-based opinions of unknown solo individuals with no scientific background.

3 - Unscientific Reports from sites who write about 'New World Order' Chemtrails, chemicals in Pepsi turning people gay - and even a Flat Earther.
Out of 20 random selected links :

2 - Inconclusive Reports, from actual scientists, but way outside their field of expertise.

1 - Inconclusive Report, from an actual scientist in this field, but on 4G, 8 years ago, and since busted for poor methodology.
Out of 20 random selected links :

1 - Link to a YouTube video that was 2 hours long. Yeah, not gonna bother with that.

1 - Led to a Dutch Neo Nazi site.

And the last one ? Led to a 404.
In conclusion, I think we can safely say that this ridiculous claim by @silversynergy - and others - is suitably busted.

Perhaps @silversynergy should focus his/her energy ... on reality.
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