#HAPPENINGNOW White House Task Force Briefing 4/9/20:

- Labor Secretary Scalia in Attendance.
- Project Airbridge: 49 flights scheduled
- American Med System performing strong
- Testing capabilities, best in world
- Spoke w/ Mental Health leaders today

- 19 Therapies being tested now
- HydroxyChloroquine and ZPaks being distributed for use by doctors at discretion
- Admin working w/ Congress to implement Paycheck Protection
- dept of Ed 6bill for students impacted by suspended classes
Dr. Fauci: Though we warned this would be a tough week, and though we’re seeing an increase in deaths, we are seeing decrease in hospitalizations.

Original projections adjusted to actual data.
Labor Secretary Scalia:
Unprecedented Employee Benefits

- 3 weeks ago, POTUS’ family first Coronavirus relief package required by law paid leave
- CARES act helping make workers whole. Gig and independent workers included
- Labor Dept helping states dispense unemployment checks
VP Pence: We continue to see evidence that we are reaching or at the peak - America is succeeding against this virus.
Dr. Birx:
Testing all age categories. Tracked daily.

Gender Divide:
- 16% positive results for Women
- 23% positive results for Men

This week would be the most difficult; but encouraging signs already - all new areas seeing increase in cases but rate much slower.
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