why you should ship HOSIE ( hope and josie from legacies )
it's not gonna be in the right episode order and some are just breadcrumbs BUT bear with me. read the whole thing 🥰
BASICALLY A COMPILATION OF MOST OF THE FANDOM'S THOUGHTS AND ANALYZATIONS. some aren't mine. probably forgot to add some important things too:(
josie used to have a hard crush on hope when she was younger.
HOPE: you had a crush on me?
JOSIE: of course i did. who wouldn't?

*both smile and stare*
well basically all they do is hold hands and stare intensely at each other like they are the other's whole world... but that's another story
hope also had a crush on josie ("fOr a WeEK" sure jan) but these dumb gays never told each other about their crushes when they were younger... https://twitter.com/darkhosie/status/1238698184378970112?s=19
hope girl i think you still have a crush if that's how you look at josie
when joseph morgan said that the only one klaus would "approve" of for hope is josie
and both him and candice loved discovering josie had a crush on hope
hope and josie had a thing for each other in every universe:
first universe of 1x10
(and lizzie being done with them staring at each other in every damn universe LMAO)
second universe hosie were intense AND WE LOVE IT
second universe hope holding and touching second universe josie's hand.. yep
shamelessly flirting
now this one is just funny af.
* hope arriving *
the only universe hosie weren't somehow attracted to each other was the universe where HOPE DIDN'T EXIST therefore JOSIE DIED. the only universe hope wasn't alive in.. josie wasn't alive either... LET THAT SINK IN...
just casually thinking about the time josie got shot and hope tried to protect her (and actually took one bullet for her. which probably saved josie's life) https://twitter.com/hosiecaps/status/1233047966618914816
that one is just funny af. hope's hands on josie tho.. https://twitter.com/wholesomehizzie/status/1241841279639707655
hope napping on josie's shoulder was just pure🥺
THAT ONE. so odd how hope can NEVER find herself angry at josie EVEN THO SHE HAS A VERY SHORT FUSE. and josie did some shitty things... burned hope's room with family memories, caused the hope x lizzie beef, was extremely bitchy and mean to hope when she couldn't remember her.. https://twitter.com/PuckNerdHockey/status/1241432004576641024
hell in season one she intended to KILL landon (who is now considered her "epic love") when she found out he was lying to her.

now i'm not even a delena stan, like i just cared less about the delena /stelena love triangle... BUT THIS MADE SO MANY POINTS!!
just read this one i mean... https://twitter.com/hosieluv/status/1237450952254332929
& hope's facial expressions after she realized it's her josie say it all
the way hope closes her eyes and dives fully into the hugs like she never wants them to end
now oops flashforward (told you it's not gonna be in the right order) but THE LAST TWO EPISODES THAT AIRED (2X15 AND 2X16) BASICALLY SCREAMED HOSIE ENDGAME and that's why:
in 2x15, anyone who wanted to lay a hand on (dark) josie, hurt her or treat her like a monster, hope sent straight to the box. ACTUAL PROTECTIVE GIRLFRIEND. HER BELIEF IN JOSIE IS UNREAL
hope was the only one who never, even for one second, stopped believing in josie and her strength. she was the only one who saw josie for who she is and believed in her even when she was lesser
just read https://twitter.com/hosieluv/status/1241040016161169408
even the one time hope used magic it was only as a shield. she was never fighting back (and dark josie mentioned it, following by hope saying josie wasn't really fighting her either) https://twitter.com/hosieluv/status/1241115148502392835
speaking of josie not fighting hope.. that one is strange. in 2x14 (the noir film ep), dark josie killed or tried to kill everyone so she and lizzie will be the only two left. she said so herself. she wanted to take everyone out of the equation. so why didn't she go after hope?
there is actually no logical reason to not take hope out of the equation. if ever, hope was the first one dark josie needed to kill. so why didn't she? i believe it wasn't a logical reason. it was an emotional one. dark josie didn't even know but hope was one of her weaknesses
you can even see this during the 2x15 fight. dark josie didn't even actually try to kill hope till she saw hope bringing josie back. till then she only played with her and teased her for not fighting back. only then dark josie realized hosie's connection and tried to kill hope
speaking of hope bringing josie back.. hope was the only one who got through the real josie even for one second https://twitter.com/heauxsies/status/1240837695146020865
and before that? all dark josie did was to put hope to sleep, tease her, not kill her in the noir film... ONLY AFTER REALIZING HOPE AND JOSIE'S CONNECTION AND HOPE'S INCREDIBLE FATE IN JOSIE, DARK JOSIE ACTUALLY TRIED TO KILL HER.
think about how for josie's 16th birthday hope gave her a necklace TO MAKE HERSELF HEARD and how exactly one year later hope was the only one TO MAKE REAL JOSIE HEARD among the darkness that she was consumed by....

we'll also get to other parallels soon...
the way hosie radiate lizzieg energy. AND THAT'S ON SOULMATERY.
hope always paid attention to josie. even when others never did. even when josie was quiet. hope knows who josie really is and accepts all of her. she never for a second treated josie like a monster. https://twitter.com/karlieslover/status/1241503155596165122
examples for hope paying attention to josie- in 1x03 hope realized josie was having a crush on raf. josie never told anyone before. how could hope know? SHE ALWAYS SAW JOSIE WHEN NO ONE ELSE DID. and the way hope encouraged josie to go after raf because she cared for her https://twitter.com/leasbryant/status/1241026972945453060
also this. in 1x06 hope gave josie for her birthday a necklace to "make quiet things heard". referring to josie being so quiet and never noticed. hope wanted everyone to see josie just like she did. https://twitter.com/karlieslover/status/1245511468218486787
2x15 THE TEASING! dark josie acted on insecurities. the moment she realized hope's power and impact over josie, she said to her "i don't even think she likes you" trying to act on HOPE'S INSECURITY as well and make her stop trying to help and believe in josie. hope never stopped.
hope was willing to die SEVERAL TIMES rather than giving up on josie, hurting her, harming her in any way, or treating her like a monster and locking her up. she was the only one who realized and believed josie can beat the darkness in her.
hosie really are the most complex relationship on the show. they had it all- the duel, the angst, the crushes, the love triangle... they really went from CHILDHOOD CRUSHES TO ENEMIES TO FRIENDS TO STRANGERS TO ENEMIES TO FRIENDS TO ENEMIES TO FREAKING SOULMATES...
meanwhile HOPE AND LANDON who are somehow considered an "epic love story" just played the STRANGERS TO LOVERS trope TWICE....
they just don't have hosie's range.. they don't have the EPICNESS and COMPLEXITY hosie have
when most people didn't remember hope, all she cared about was not hurting josie. landon, who is again considered her epic love, didn't remember her and was dating josie yet what hope cared about was to not hurt and break josie's heart. "I'M AFRAID SHE'S GONNA HATE ME FOREVER"🤧
she didn't only not tell landon who she was and prevented her happiness and reunion with her boyfriend (just to not hurt josie who was awful to her during this time btw). she actually stopped other people (lizzie) from spilling the tea to landon. she was willing to go far for jo
now the whole 2x07 bed scene cmon... wth was that?
"i won't come back if me being here brings you any more pain"
ONCE AGAIN hope was willing to do everything for josie's happiness and well being.
*hand holding*
"he made his choice. we can make our own. landon or no landon you belong here. I WANT YOU TO STAY."

and the song playing during this scene. its lyrics scream hosie...
all hope ever wanted was to feel like she belonged. for someone to want her to stay. landon knew that but chose the easiest solution. he left (well came back the next ep unfortunately). MEANWHILE, josie told hope she belongs and that she wants her to stay
can we also acknowledge hope CRYING when josie told her she wanted her to stay? THE WHOLE CONVERSATION WITH JOSIE WAS SO IMPORTANT TO HOPE. and to finally hear from josie that she's not better off with her...
it's okay hope, we were crying too..
the way josie wasn't even necessary in the 2x13 scene where hope told her she had to make a choice and didn't choose landon.
hope vs constantly reminding josie how strong and amazing she is https://twitter.com/kayleebryanst/status/1242580718338953216
a healthy relationship isn't a relationship where you have to keep saving the other and not live for yourself. hope didn't believe landon can be the hero. MEANWHILE SHE NEVER STOPPED TELLING JOSIE HOW STRONG SHE IS AND NEVER STOPPED BELIEVING IN HER. https://twitter.com/darkhosie/status/1245747062265675778
when josie was avoiding hope and hope gave no f*ck about landon and just thought about josie ignoring her all the episode...
lizzie implying that josie was having a sex dream about hope... why would they put that in the script if josie is so over her old crush on hope? https://twitter.com/hosierules/status/1238290340513226753
2x16 josie disguised as a pig literally asked hope to kiss "sleeping josie".
hope who didn't know josie was the pig didn't say- no i don't think about josie that way, or- no, i have i boyfriend. she said that she didn't want it to not be consensual since josie was not conscious. https://twitter.com/kayleebryanst/status/1244263899333042176
now honestly i feel like josie knew the true love bullshit wasn't gonna work anyway. i mean girlie didn't wanna wake up cause she thought it'd be better that way hence asked hope to leave. SHE STILL WANTED HOPE TO KISS HER even tho she realized it probably wouldn't work....
i really do think hope wants her first kiss with josie to be meaningful to both of them.. to be REAL. while josie is awake and can respond and be present.
you can clearly see the difference between sizzie who were toxic and hosie who are healthy and supportive. ENDGAME https://twitter.com/hosieluv/status/1243406488011288577
when hope got inside josie's mind in 2x16, she continued to never, even for a second, give up on josie, even when the pig (aka josie) told her to. her last words before dark josie froze her were "josie, you can fight her.. josie, change the story"
the way they always have those deep conversations about life and themselves. they're so open with eachother. hope encouraging josie to not be afraid to be strong and to believe in herself.
i am also a posie.. but just think about how in 1x14 josie told penelope NOT TO LEAVE but she LEFT (which i get. it hurt her too much to stay).
and in 2x16 josie did everything in her power to make hope LEAVE because she didn't want her to get hurt yet hope NEVER LEFT her side. https://twitter.com/miracIebryant/status/1243515625672265728
penelope tried to make josie put herself first and love herself, but PUTTING OTHERS DOWN didn't help josie to LOVE HERSELF MORE. hope made josie realize her self worth IN A HEALTHY WAY. https://twitter.com/hosieluv/status/1246591459140096000
josie being at her lowest and telling herself all those awful things only to remember hope's words and realize she's strong and deserves to be loved https://twitter.com/fionadourifs/status/1243360589205762048

HOPE: https://twitter.com/fionadourifs/status/1241011771349106696
that's all i'm saying. both hope and josie deserve each other and make each other better. josie needs someone to never give up on her, and hope needs someone to want her to stay. https://twitter.com/kayleebrqant/status/1243362097162936322
it really is poetic https://twitter.com/mysticxnola/status/1243402123632463875
anyway, everyone gave up on josie. even alaric, her own father, didn't think she was strong enough to beat the darkness in her.
her family didn't notice how she was struggling. hope always paid attention to her. hope never gave up on her.
in 2x09 josie thanked hope saying she couldn't have done it without her AND THEN HOPE THANKED JOSIE SAYING THIS IS THE MOST NORMAL SHE FELT ALL DAY. like, hope really missed josie and being with her doing magic together was THE MOST NORMAL SHE FELT.
hosie really had this angst and longing stares since the start... when we finally get our endgame... https://twitter.com/feuenfeu/status/1248156748923449344?s=19
season 2a angst...
also the parallel between josie telling hope she wrote her a love note to hope opening a love note and josie saying "that's not for you"... https://twitter.com/hosieluv/status/1246080109272055808
hope in 1x11 with her inhibitions off called josie "jo". she really wanted to get to a stage of their relationship where she can call her by this nickname. IN 2X15, 2X16 SHE STARTED CALLING JOSIE "JO" ALL THE TIMES🥺
we are developing. they've made progress. https://twitter.com/kayleebryanst/status/1245457440965103618
they really serve it all.. the looks, the stares, the angst, the deep conversations, the love, the caring, the complexity... THEY ARE THE EPIC LOVE OF LEGACIES. NOT HANDON.
just some hosie quotes https://twitter.com/hosiefire/status/1243403435757588481
some more hosie quotes https://twitter.com/kayleebryanst/status/1240954561520644097
an actual culture reset
i low key joked when i posted this but it got likes so https://twitter.com/hosieluv/status/1241148916839649282
p1 https://twitter.com/kayleebryanst/status/1240373786005966856
p2 https://twitter.com/kayleebryanst/status/1240374899325231104
just some more hosie edits cause why not? yall can add edits too if you want
okay but this one is a must watch cause it's funny AF
also the hosie fancam having more than 1 MILLION VIEWS... HOSIE'S POWER
if they ain't endgame... WHAT ARE ALL THESE PARALLELS FOR?!?
that one hosie edit with flares..... i felt it HARD
"did you see the sparks filled with hope? you are not aloneeee cause someone's out there, sending out flaressss" i just fucking love these lines. IT'S LITERALLY HOSIE IN 2X15 FIGHT SCENE WATCH ME CRYING
hosie endgame that's all i'm saying
they really be like- yes we're soft for each other only SO WHAT
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