I think the saddest thing that I’ve experienced while being on stan twitter is how many people are okay with the idea that MX should just be at a standstill until WH comes back. Until we know one way or another, MX should just stop working because it hurts THEIR feelings seeing 6
Accusing people of moving on but worse accusing the members of moving on. I don’t even know them personally but my heart hurts for them to see how carelessly people have treated them this past 5 months.
I know that a lot of people have stayed and supported them but one thing I’ve learned in my decades of living on this Earth is that criticisms stick with you a lot longer. Those words spin in your head & sometimes become part of your subconscious
Someone recently described receiving constant hate as suffocating and I couldn’t agree more. How suffocating it must be to constantly be dragged for a situation out of your control. To have your efforts disregarded and thrown back in your face as manipulation
I recently read an article by a leader of an idol group and he said his hope/dream is to have all 13 members perform on stage together and it made me think, one of the members left 9 years ago yet the leader still remember them and have hopes to be on stage with them
So imagine having the audacity to accuse the members of moving on after 5 months. Excuse is “he had to give up his dream” so you believe the solution should be the other 6 should give up their dream too to prove they are brothers. The height of ridiculousness
I don’t regret stanning & honestly I can’t regret getting on stan twitter because without stan twitter I wouldn’t know when to vote or stream, etc. I would just be listening to them like I do my western artists putting in no work for them. I just wish we were better for them
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