The problem most modern writers run into with John Broome characters is not writing them for what they are:

Extremely Trashy Romance Protagonists
This shit always makes me laugh.
Broome's men were the heroes of the space age who could accomplish the impossible without much effort. They could do that which would horrify everyone with relative ease, with everyone in awe of them.

But simultaneously, they were also losers who sucked with relationships.
It's why you get Barry Allen is always late, which plays into another love of Broome's: irony. He loved the fact that the fastest man alive would always be late, he loved that the man with a wishing ring could never get the one thing he wanted: to be loved for who he is, not what
Maybe the scene most emblematic scene of the Broome hero is Hal Jordan testing out this terrifying machine, fearless. Everyone's like 'Holy shit, Hal isn't afraid of anything! Idk how he does it!' and then you get a thought bubble & Hal's scared...about his relationship w/ Carol.
There is a lot to unpack there, which oddly hasn't been done much in the modern era.

Partly because, I imagine most are familiar more with the eventual assumptions from the 80's/90's stuff of the characters and their legacies than the characters themselves.
All of which is to say, write Hal Jordan and Barry Allen (and their ilk) as Shoujo Characters, cowards.

The 'ah yes, I'm brilliant, I can do so many things...EXCEPT I TOTALLY SUCK, TOO.'

There are the hypercompetent losers.

'Greatest Lantern' but also 'Slips on Banana Peel'.
'The Flash' done as Shoujo Manga is a sizzling pitch the universe may not be ready for yet, but it really should be.

There is a romantic quality to a lot of Broome's work, both in the actual wacky romance hi-jinks and also the more classical idea of the 'romance'. Capture that.
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