While flipping TV channels yesterday I ran into Paula White (WH evangelical) preaching on Passover.If you ignore,the gifts asking 4 money, she actually made some sense unlike at the WH.

I've experienced Catholicism, Methodism, Presbyterianism,Assembly of God, Baptism.(continued)
So I understand a bit about the philosophy of each religion and what it is based on. Each appeals 2 different types of people. I heard great preachers like Lloyd John Ogilvie, a Presbyterian minister who served as Chaplain of US Senate. Rev
Kenneth Carlson, Methodist church.
Familiar with Harry Emerson Fosdick of Riverside Church,NY City and Rev.Norman Vincent Peale. Power of Positive Thinking. (45 grew up attendng his church Marble Collegiate Church,NY. )

Passover: If a student of Old Testament, Moses freeing ppl of Israel from Egypt U understand..
Passover in context of Israelites,the blood of the lamb covering God's ppl. as the angel of death visited the Pharaoh and Egyptians

In various sects of Christanity,Jesus is the lamb of God whose blood was shed 4 us.

Here's what I find was the positive in Paula White's preaching
In spite of Paula White's WH craziness here's the positive, as I saw it, in one of her sermons/lectures.

Egypt,lambs blood gave protection to Israeites. Christanity,Jesus, God's lamb, shed bood for us. Giving God's covenant over the gentiles.
What hit me in listening was: The enemy,Satan, creates fear & confusion.

Passover is significant in that it places protections over gentiles. God saying I love U thru the Covenant of the lambs blood of Jesus. I love you so much the enemy,Satan,cannot release his angels against U
Passover....2020....4/8 to 4/16 is a v err try special tie for both Jews and Christian's reminding us of God's love and protection over us thru the blood of the amb as it pertains to both religions. A time for prayer reflection,worshiping and honoring God for his love.
Interesting too is that Muslims respect the Passover. According 2Imam, Waleed Basyouni,frequent guest speaker,nationally & internationally.Also a mbr Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America-Fatwa & Research Committee, and an advisor to numerous Islamic societies around the U.S.
"We share the same God." (There are those who will be angry with this statement in that all 3 religions view God and Jesus in a different way.) Respect for each other I believe should be the key in any religion.

Islam,Judaism and Christsnity have a common ancestor Abraham.
Thus I find it interesting,that all 3 intersect in some way with Passover and God's protection and covenant thru the blood of the lamb.
After listening to a different Paula White, than what we see coming from the WH, all of this thread shows what I reflected on and came to the conclusion as the importance of Passover.
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