First order problem:

Covid-19 will keep circulating around the U.S. because Trump won't order a national lockdown and get this under control. So either shutdowns keep getting extended or the virus keeps playing havoc.
Second order problem:

Unemployment money isn't flowing to people. Debt and bankruptcies will spike, people will lose healthcare and debts will pile up. More bankruptcies. Vicious cycle.
All of this means demand will stay low. People won't want to spend regardless of how much money the government pumps in, because everyone will be worried.

That will hit China and Europe too, depressing world economy.
Third order problem:

Entire industries are effectively in deep freeze until a vaccine is found.

Travel, tourism, cruise ships, large events, anything with mass gatherings or international travel now looks risky.

And who will want American tourists bringing Covid-19 over?
And we are just one month in! Several states like Florida only put a lockdown in place last week. Texas still doesn't have one.

All this feels to me like the early days of the pandemic again, when people were in denial it would get bad. 🤷🏽‍♂️
You could say - get everyone back to work now!

But will people feel safe? What happens when virus spikes and hospitals get overwhelmed again? In the US, companies would face lawsuits for endangering lives.
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