Anyway here’s the thread. Back in late 2018 I fucking dated his musty ass and we lasted for a month. He started acting funny and calling me sensitive and stuff like that whenever he annoyed me and then on December 31st we broke up. He tried to get me to-
stay friends with him but I didn’t really want to. He didn’t leave me alone after he I said that anyway. A good week later I felt bad and I said we could be cool and then he kinda lashes out on me and says to leave him and okay I did. Mind you. He said to
leave him alone. And. I. Did. He would block and unblock me almost every fucking day. He wouldn’t even be following me and would stalk my story everyday and would share it with his friends. His friends would be on my page (they didn’t even fucking follow me)
and would even respond to my story trying to see if I missed him and shit. This went on for maybe 2 weeks. Then he started adding me on this app that would track your location. Usually friends do this or your parents do this but nah. A weird obsessed ex
added me on this app multiple times so he could see my location. After that he stopped and was still stalking my story. Then one day my friend told me he got a gf. Cool. Don’t care. Some days after that I saw that his gf and him would be stalking my fucking
page but didn’t follow me. For some days they would do this. At the time I had my page public because hello I’m allowed to do so I kept it public for a while. If you’re wondering why I didn’t block him I just wanted to see how long he would do it and to
prove a point that he was weird. Because if I did this to him everyone would shame me and call weird. His friends or minions I should call them would try to make me feel jealous about their relationship and that’s when it started taking a toll on me
My friends noticed I was losing weight but still congratulated my body. I was losing weight because I wasn’t eating. I had to have their relationship rubbed in my face everyday, get called a weirdo, get called a liar, and have people make fun of my cosmetics
business. At some point I found his tweets this is one of them. Show friends heard that I was starting a new business and would make fun of me for it and would say that her business was doing better than mine and that I was copying hers.
His gf was even petty and said I stalk, lurk, and listened in on her business and was weird. Shit like that fucking affected me and still affects me.
Here’s some more tweets
Here’s where it gets fucked. While we dated I sent him nudes (no my face wasn’t in it) and he sent me some too but I found out they were fake and that he was using me. On that tracking app where he would track where I was he put his pfp as my boobs.
And there’s where I was about to break down. Because how do you have a girlfriend and keep nudes of our ex that you supposedly hate. Nobody that was my “friend” helped me out and continued to talk to him. It took getting my brother to message him
to get him to fucking stop. You know how much that makes me feel like shit? I fucking stopped eating for a good two months and went from 140lbs to 116lbs that fucking fast. You could even notice it.
Me trying to ask him to delete my shit
It’s good that I’m diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I starved myself for 2 months straight. I was getting sexually assaulted last year. And I had many breakdowns. He’s a fucking weirdo but at least I don’t look like THAT
I see a therapist now and it’s been going good so far. Hope it gets better.
You can follow @summercuddles.
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