i think twitter needs to learn about copyright and now to avoid your account getting sniped: a thread by someone who's been sniped and got their account back and tries their best to help other people when they get sniped
so basically there's a lot of laws protecting the music industry from piracy, and copyright law on the internet is almost like free reign on getting applied. a lot of people post edits online and get sniped, but you could literally have a video playing background music taken down
basically tho, if anyone claims you posted music (or any copyrighted content illegally), the "owner" or "representative" of the owner can tell tw*tter you broke the law and request your stuff be taken down, such as an edit. tw*tter doesn't check your tweet, they just follow the
request. once you get one tweet taken down, twitter uses a strike system. get too many strikes and you will have your account locked. get one more still? you're sniped, you're s worded for good, technically. me and other oomfs have gotten our accounts back from there tho? how?
well you have to clear your strikes. there's two ways, one being emailing the person that said you stole content and telling them you want them to take back their thing against you. THIS NEVER HAPPENS. the other is a counter-claim. this is the best way to do it but it takes
2 weeks and might not work (i've helped like 10 people over the last year and it didn't work for 1). but it's technically a legal process (not even joking) so trust me you don't wanna get to that point.

so what can you do?
the simplest answer is not posting edits/avoid any videos with music. whether it's your edit or not, you could get sniped. i know it sucks but me and other mutuals have gotten around this too. basically make a side account that you wouldn't mind getting suspended and post there
here's the other thing tho, what if you have strikes against you already? STOP POSTING ASAP!!! you're in danger of losing your account. delete videos. once you've gotten one taken down, it's more likely they'll catch you again. or go private!! that helps too.
again, tw*ttwr themselves are not sniping your tweets, it's anti-piracy companies so they're less likely to find you while private. and if you want to clear up a strike to be safe, submit a counter-claim. it's your best option to not be on the verge of losing your account.
feel free to DM with more questions, i just hate seeing people lose their accounts okay. also if you're suspended for copyright/dmca, no a simple appeal will not get your account back

~end of thread~
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