The gloves came off w/ #Bernie supporters and sad surrogates who find it funny that millions of Americans are at risk with this President at the wheel, but they want to stay home because they're MAD Bernie lost. GET THE FUCK OVER IT. GROW UP. #biden2020 #KHive read thread.
You told us HILLARY was worse but we got kids in cages, Puerto Rico still devastated, and this man laughs @ governors fight for supplies while people die in their state. And yet, Bernie's people are laughing "from the couches" as one just told me minutes ago. @KHiveQueenB
You've lied over and over again, you wanted people to join your revolution but you did nothing to reach out to different groups. And now we're not falling for your BS anymore (saying Hillary was dying) and that she was worse than this assclown, no one trusts progressives anymore.
You over privileged, clowns. Get off your ass and do something. Communities of color can't afford 4 more years. You say you care about minorities but you sit out on election night? We're not falling for you BS. Your revolution is dead and no one wants to hear from you.
Do what #blackvoters have done for decades. Keep pushing candidates Left, hold them accountable, keep your "movement" going. But no, your couches are where you want to be. No one is going to kiss your ass, if that's what you want. And its sad, you're asking POC to do so.
This is why no one listens to you. And this is why you lost. It's time to get over that and go back to when you were making sense. Pushing candidates to the Left, holding them accountable, But now, you're just showing your ass and #POC aint got time 4 it.
Either you vote or stay home. It doesn't matter to me. You could help get a good man elected. Or keep a bad one if office. 12% of you voted Trump the last time and you have the GALL to talk about an alleged sexual assault? When this man openly bragged about it on camera?
You don't care about women. Or else you wouldn't have voted the serial sexual assaulter in the White House now. You could've voted for a woman who didn't sexually assault anyone, but she had to EARN your vote and you HATED her and she was WAY WORSE. That's what U told us, right?
You either grow up or don't you ever fix yourself 2 complain about Donald #Trump again. Bernie didn't win the primary. He lost. You can throw as many conspiracy theories as you want but voters, including black voters said NO to Bernie. Get with it or move out the way. SMH.
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