For antis who are mad everyone is calling them nazis:

- Start with not producing posts a la "All maps should die!". A genocide is a genocide even if you really don't like people you want to kill.
- Remove words "freak", "subhuman", and "degenerate" from your list of insults. 1/4
These words have very strong ties with nazism and ableism, the word "freak" comes from "freak shows", where disabled people were displayed for entertainment, "subhuman" and "degenerate" come from nazi propaganda, and the latter literally means inborn deviations. 2/4
- Don't say "get help or die/go to jail". Using medicine as a way of punishment and equating being ill to a crime is also what nazis did.
- Don't act as if being born with some traits makes you super awesome. You didn't choose to not be a map. It's not an achievement. 3/4
Oh, and before someone will come up with some variation of "b-but nazis also said the sky is blue" - the things I listed are bad and are hurting people. Many of them were made up by nazis to hurt people. Just don't be a jerk and don't justify acting like this. 4/4

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