How are people trying to say that Islam teaches people to rape and abuse women? Especially Hindus, who should be the last of the uneducated ppl on the planet (regarding Islam) to say such absurdity?

We're not the ones who worship gods who rape and indulge in incest LOL.
If you're gonna attack my religion with nonsensical claims, the least I can do is provide proof from ur own scriptures on how women were regarded.

In the Shiva purana, theres almost a whole chapter (24) degrading women.
Brahma is one of the main gods in Hinduism and he married his own daughter 🙂

Vishnu (another important god) disguised himself as the husband of a chaste lady, Vrinda, and made her have sexual intercourse with him for a good amount of days in a forest...
Indra is another important/main god and he does the same thing. If a person with morals didn't know any better, they would be learning the best ways in which to rape a woman!
There is waaayyy more where that came from, but I don't want this thread too long.

The best thing is that I didn't have to twist the wording of the texts or misinterpret (like what's done to Islam). The texts prove my point themselves. 😆

Now, what does Islam say about women?
First of all, women are not financially responsible for squat.
A reasonable person would not attack Islam by saying "BUT MEN GET MORE INHERITANCE THEN WHAMEN IN THE QURAN!" That's because the financial burden is on HIM, u genius. 😀

If a woman works (mind you, she can), that + is for her to use as she pleases.

The Prophet SAW represents Islam the best. One only needs to look at how he treated women to realize Islam doesn't promote the blasphemy ppl spout it does.

"The best of you are those who are best to their women."

"Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers."

^ Prophet SAW on women

Some of the greatest sahabah on women:

"The women are not a garment you wear and undress however you like. They are honored and have their rights." - Umar RA
"Be respectful to women, for they are the mothers of mankind."
- Ali RA

Among many others. On one hand, you have major figures of Hinduism raping and insulting women, and on the other hand, u clearly don't.

BTW, this was a thread on comparing Hinduism and Islam on women, NOT +
...refuting stupid claims against our Prophet Muhammad SAW, as I'm sure there are ppl who will accuse Prophet Muhammad SAW (Astaghfirullah) of rape, etc.

But as this is a very common claim for uneducated ppl to make, there are already plenty of refutations against that. +
Dont whine in my mentions if that's what some of you are gonna do ppl. Thanks in advance.
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