Having now consulted for 3weeks remotely & managing my patients via telephone or video consultations, I do believe this might be the future of general practice. Which I know a lot of my colleagues would like it to be the case

HOWEVER after every clinic, I still.....
(Sorry this is a soppy long tweet) BUT I really do miss .....
- Just seeing my patient face2face (even video consultation does not satisfy me) 👫
- watching my patient walk into my room. A lot can be gained clinically from watching how the patient carries themselves 🚶🏽‍♂️🚶🏾‍♀️
- Placing my hand on my patient to examine them. 🩺
- Providing a comforting touch of the hand when giving sad news
- Giving my patient a hug 🤗 either to comfort or to celebrate 🎉 some good news
- Doing a homevisit 🏠to see my vulnerable patients. (Not able to do as no PPE 🥽currently)
-Laughing (when appropriate) with my palliative patients when reviewing them at home with their family. Can’t do that on the phone 📞
- Greeting my colleagues with a hug 🤗
- Making my team cups of tea ☕️ & not worrying that I will pass on COVID19 🦠
In my personal experience I really do NOT get any job satisfaction consulting in the manner that I do currently.

I can’t wait to get back to freely seeing my patients in the manner I used to.
So if you also miss seeing your GP/ doctor 👩🏾‍⚕️ how you used to.

Then PLEASE STAY HOME this Easter 🐣 Weakend.
Stop the spread of #COVID19. #SaveTheNHS & #SaveLives
You can follow @DrNighatArif.
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