Providing therapy during the pandemic is really hard bc you either do it over the phone with someone you’ve built rapport with for months in person and that connection is gone or you meet in person and put yourself in danger, not to mention the lack of precedent- (1/?)
-for an event like this. “How long will this last?” “When will the resource centers reopen?” “Where can I get x bc y is closed now?” “How can I cope with x bc I don’t have access to y anymore?” Sometimes I don’t have answers/am struggling with that myself. (2/?)
Add onto that the fact that I don’t work with your “average” clients. I work with majority homeless people who are being kicked out of shelters at high rates and not being allowed back until COVID-19 is over. Shelters aren’t allowing new clients, which- (3/?)
- I get it. You want to keep shelters COVID free, but instead of granting some leniency to keep people in, they’re cracking down and booting people out. People on the streets can’t watch the news for new precautions or properly social distance. (4/?)
My clients can’t be safe on the street, which means when I go into work to see them bc they don’t have phones, I can’t be safe besides social distancing and PPE and proper cleaning techniques and hand washing. My clients know now that the hand sanitizer at the door is- (5/?)
-Required to come into my office. Which sucks bc they’re homeless and they probably think that I think they’re dirty, which isn’t trauma informed but here we are! It sucks, man. There’s more I could say but this thread is already 6 tweets deep and I’m fucking tired
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