1/ This from the WSJ today, sourced from Johns Hopkins data. Odd that California--which is the epicenter of travel from China--has so few cases compared to NY. Our speculation, confirmed by anecdotal evidence from doctors in the area, is that Covid-19 hit California last fall.
2/ If true, that suggests a couple of things. California's confirmed cases would be higher once we get data on all those who presented with an odd, early-onset flu last October and November. But more importantly, a lot of Californians may now be immune
3/ slowing the spread of the disease in more recent months. NY, on the other had, had an onset that was largely derivative of Europe, which in turn was from China. So NY is behind Cal's curve, but at a time when all "flu-like" symptom patients are being ID'd as COvid. My 2 cents.
4/ BTW, the chart was total cases, not cases compared to population. When you run the latter numbers, Cal's case-load appears even more miniscule in comparison. Can't wait to see broad antibody tests to see rates of who had this thing and has now recovered (and hopefully immune)
*supported by anecdotal evidence (instead of confirmed)
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