How many webinars and sessions have we all attended now? I attended a virtual session today with @LatticeHQ and @lifelearninglab and it was outstanding. What did they do differently?
1) They greeted each person as they joined the Zoom call, no matter if they were on or off camera. I mean literally like "Hi Hope, great to have you today." They also encouraged each person to type in the chat their location/city
2) The facilitators acted like they were in person. I mean hand gestures, engagement, voice intonation, the whole 9 yards. They used the entire Zoom screen just like you would a stage or podium. I never felt like someone was reading off slides.
3) They had engaging and tangible deliverables I got to walk away with. I've probably been on 10+ webinars in the past two weeks -- @LatticeHQ and @LifeLabsLearn provided a feedback worksheet that we worked through and left with. Different? Yes.
4) There was a subject matter expert that was providing insight. I wasn't listening to a product pitch for the entire 1.5 hours. I spent most of my time talking about the brain & how we receive feedback with a psychologist. Product came in at the end and it tied into the session
5) They executed Zoom flawlessly. No awkwardness -- we were all unmuted (40 people) to say hello to each other then remuted. Chat was utilized to gather questions. Break out rooms were used to replicate Small Groups and Pair and Share sessions
6) At one point, I was broken out to a room by myself and the facilitator popped in and reassigned me and came to that room with me to let them know we'd be the group of 3. (How many times has that happened to us IRL?)
7) They tied it to a professional organization. Attendees qualified for SCHRM or HCI credit. (Two biggest professional HR certification organizations.) What partnerships can you establish to ensure attendees have a meaningful use of their time?
Shoutout to the @LatticeHQ and @LifeLabsLearn team for such a well-organized helpful session. And to every field marketer out there adjusting to remote sessions, kudos, I know it's not easy
You can follow @HopeCWilliams.
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