this plan by bristol bay processors treats laborers as though they are a contagion and not human beings who also deserve safety and wellness. these expected working conditions, while aiming for low transmission rates, are SEVERE and will make for an extremely low quality of life
additionally, many processing plant laborers are hired through the j-1 visitor & temporary labor program that is meant for "cultural exchange." however many of these j-1 laborers work 16 hour shifts, 6 days a week at plants and are required to pay for their own health insurance
from 2016: "The statewide average, for fish cutters and trimmers in Alaska is $10.20/hour,. Processors save at least $2.31 per hour, per worker by hiring an SWT (j-1 program)..."
the rights of processing plant workers need to be protected just as much as the safety of fishers and community members during this pandemic! the best way is to use the Small Community Travel Mandate and restrict access to necessary and critical travel only to rural Alaska
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