Here's my unpopular take on orgs banning Zoom (a stream of consciousness thread):

1) Now is a horrible time to be taking away people's best lifeline to their colleagues. We are going through unprecedented disruption. Don't disrupt people's lives even more. It's damaging.
2) you're creating more organizational debt, which will have long-term consequences you don't see. These policies will last. They will stop making any sense. And you won't be able to undo them. Your org will carry that debt for way longer than it should. And you'll pay interest.
3) Zoom is working incredibly hard to address the issues that have been identified. Give them some credit. The articles you're reading might be true and most of them are also sensational to sell clicks. Don't react from that information.
4) Most use cases for zoom are completely fine right now. Read more closely. What you're sharing on Facebook and Twitter and Google is in the same realm. If you're on there, you're in it already.
5) If you disagree with me, here's a picture of my dog to make up for your lost seconds.
Oh one final post script: I see you moving to MS Teams and WebEx. Microsoft and Cisco say thanks. You're solidifying the big companies' hold on the market. Congratulations.
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