Okay so let me get this straight. There's this small youtuber who has mental health issues due to trauma they suffered as a child. This person drew sneezing fetish porn of Tails (Sonic), and people have hounded them to the point of them privatising all of their content.
Because apparently this furry sneeze fetish porn is being considered as equivalent to child porn.

What the fuck? This is a fucking trip, but the youtuber is not the problem here.
I'm sorry, but I'm so fucking done with this argument. People can be into whatever the heck they want, provided they *don't* victimise others. I know this is taboo, but thought policing is way fucking worse.
People, especially those with mental health issues, often have intrusive thoughts. I have intrusive thoughts regarding trichotillomania all the time, and more recently (like the past 3 years) intrusive thoughts about suicide.
Thoughts like those cannot be controlled. Sometimes those thoughts can be sexual, or even turn into fetishes. Again though: if a woman, who happens to be a rape survivor, is into rape fantasies as a coping mechanism, that is perfectly fine.
It doesn't mean that she wants to be raped again, or become a rapist herself. It's a well known coping mechanism for people who have experienced trauma.

Heck, both women and men can and do have those fantasies even without the trauma element. Which is fine too; it's not real.
I honestly don't know why the fuck people care more about a cartoon hedgehog, than actual real children. Or actual real people who have been through bad things, just trying to cope.
Believe in Dissociative Identity Disorder or not. That's fine. I'm sceptical af. But channels dedicated to talking about mental health, suicide, childhood trauma, and so on...those channels are not for children.
It's not some big gotcha when someone who regularly talks about adult themes is found out to enjoy drawing cartoon porn. This is fucking moronic.

Stop. Leave people who you don't like online alone, unless they actually victimise someone, kay?
Criticism is one thing, as is having proof of actual wrongdoing and victimisation of others.

Hounding strangers online 'cause you don't like them is another. Cease this.
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