Can UK politics YouTubers give Americans like even five goddamn seconds to grieve our fucked up primary election before you start talking shit at us?

Isn't your country also sinking down to hell in a shithole of its own making?

Maybe fuck off?
Just for a week???
Go make a video essay about how the DC Batman movies display the politics of Brexit or some other bullshit and be fucking QUIET for five goddamn minutes for fucks SAKE
You didn't see multiple US Left politics YouTubers telling people in the UK to not bother voting in your last election

Shut UP
It's fucking APRIL

That shit is MONTHS away, shut up shut up shut your giant privileged MOUTH
And the thing is--

This could be a subtweet of MULTIPLE PEOPLE

I'm not calling it BreadTube fucking pretentious garbage
You make videos about th politics of Shrek literally no one should be listening to you all
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