In these challenging times, it is important to stay home if possible and wash your hands well and often. Please stay home even during the holidays to slow the spread.

With this new challenging event, your mental health might be affected.
It is important to practice self-care and mind your mental health. Here are some things that might help you get through this:
-Stay informed, but set limits for news or information from social media
-You should keep up your regular sleep routines and maintain a healthy diet
-Don't rely on alcohol and smoking as your ways of coping
-Stay connected to your friends and family and communicate with them online
-Take up a new hobby to keep your brain busy
-Even when it seems impossible, try to stay physically active
-Keep taking your medication
-Practice relaxation techniques and breathing exercises
-Have some "me time", you can watch that TV show you wanted

If you have an existing mental health condition and start noticing that your condition starts getting worse, contact your mental health team or your doctor/GP

If you are in distress and you need to talk to someone now:

US: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255
UK & IE: Samaritans - 116123
AU: Lifeline - 131114
ES: Teléfono de la Esperanza - 717003717
IT: SamaritansONLUS - 80080022
DE: Telefonseelsorge - 08001110111
If you are in a mental health or medical emergency, please call the national emergency number of your country.

Sorry for any errors in the numbers, I'm not native to the countries listed and I can't verify fully.
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