Newsom said the state needs to do more to take care of the health care workforce that's "deeply stressed" and spread thin.

They'll now get vouchers and stipends - 100% reimbursable - at hotels so they can safely distance themselves from their families and the general public.
More than 86,000 people have applied for the new Health Corps and United Airlines, Southwest, Alaska and Delta have committed to offering free travel for these workers to get to California. "It's an open-ended commitment until this crisis passes," Newsom said.
The health care workers who have tested positive, Newsom said, will also be able to use the hotel rooms as isolation and quarantine space. And those worried about their health or have been exposed, same thing goes for them.
"We did one of those Zoom calls" Newsom said of a phone call that happened days ago with health care reps who asked for these resources.
18,309 - confirmed cases
492 - deaths (50 just yesterday)
1,132 - ICUs (1.9% DROP from yesterday)
2,825 - hospitalized (4.1% increase from yesterday)
The 1.9% is "not a trend, it's not a headline," but nonetheless, "it's encouraging," Newsom said.
"The curve has been bent in this state, but it has been stretched," he continued.
About a month ago there were about 7,500 ventilators in California.

Just a week ago - 11,063 ventilators

Today - 11,747 ventilators

Newsom said he's making the point because there's been concern about the 500 lent ventilators to other states.
More than 8,000 ventilators aren't being used, Newsom said.

"I want to remind you of this: ventilators are different than PPE."
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