In the words of Kenny Rogers, "If you're gonna wear a mask, boy, you gotta learn to wear it right." (Thread intended for HCWs, but important for anyone)

Point #1: If you're wearing a mask, its job is not to protect you. The point of the mask is to protect other people from you.
Because a significant percentage of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 don’t have any symptoms, and those that do are contagious before symptoms develop, we have to assume everyone has it, including ourselves. Your mask is intended to protect others from you in case you're infected.
Masks may provide a slight benefit in protecting the person wearing them, but they are dangerous if not used correctly. It’s helpful to think of things as “clean” and “dirty.” As you breathe--or get breathed on, the mask collects and concentrates viral particles.
The outside of your mask is “dirty.” The inside of it is “clean” only to you but “dirty” to everyone else.

Any time you touch your mask or place it on a surface, you are spreading viral particles. This is why it’s extremely important not to touch your mask.
Don't wear it under your chin or hanging from your ear. If you have to adjust it or take it off, you should wash your hands immediately before and after—before so your hands don’t carry viral particles to your face; after because touching your mask makes your hands dirty again.
It's ok to remove your mask if you are in your own personal space that nobody else uses and you are at least 6 feet away from coworkers/patients. In this case, remove it by touching only the earloops, place it in a specific spot that you now consider “dirty."
Be conscious of the fact that the mask and the surface it’s on could be covered with viral particles. Again, wash your hands after touching it. If you’re working with patients, around other people, or sharing workspace, the mask stays on all day unless you’re eating or drinking.
When it’s time to eat or drink, remove your mask (washing hands before and after), and place it somewhere safe, as above. It should remain in a clinical area, and not be taken to the breakroom.
While eating, ensure that you are sitting at least 6 feet (roughly your “wingspan”) away from the closest person—outside if great if that’s an option. Wipe down surfaces before eating, and then wash your hands.
Remember, this isn’t about us. It’s about our family, friends, patients, and the retired couple with the Pomeranian that live down the street. It’s about doing what we can to slow the rate of infection so that our inpatient/emergency/ICU colleagues aren’t overwhelmed.
A simple thing like wearing your mask under your chin between patients may not seem like a big deal, but as the effects from that one action cascade, it could literally kill people. That’s why we’re wearing masks.
Yes, they’re uncomfortable. Yes, you want to scratch your nose. Yes, it’s tough to breathe. Yes, they fog up your glasses. Thanks for doing your part anyway.
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