In 2019, David Killackey testified that Amber Heard verbally abused & sexual harassed him. He also stated that her father David Heard threatened to shoot Johnny Depp because he wouldn't be getting money he wanted to make a movie.

In 2020, Kate James testified that Amber Heard verbally and emotionally abused her and emotionally abused her four year old son.

In 2019, Tara Roberts testified to witnessing Amber Heard attack and throw a paint can at Johnny Depp's head, and that his children witnessed the aftermath and injuries.

Kevin Murphy testified that he arrived minutes after Amber Heard had attacked Johnny Depp, who told him that she had thrown a TV remote at his head, leaving him with a round lump & laceration on his forehead.

Travis McGivern testified that in March 2015 while Johnny Depp was recovering from his finger injury and MRSA, he witnessed Amber Heard throw a can of red bull at his back, punch him in the eye and spit on him.

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